A Celebration of life Jet “Away” Zeggers

It is with a mix of emotions that the British part of the Wicked Spins Radio family write our tribute to Jet our American co-owner and dear friend. Jet sadly passed away from a particularly aggressive form of cancer that took hold and took her away in a very short space of time. This has hit us all very hard as Jet, despite her ongoing health issues, was full of life and loved Tom, her dear husband, Boo Boo, Scout and Fresca her babies (Well Chihuahuas) and of course music.

Jet “Away” Zeggers
We all had the privilege to meet Jet when she came to England for Sonisphere back in July 2001 when she came to spend some time relaxing with Snuff and myself on Dartmoor. We all had a great time and it was clear that Jet was a wonderful person with a heart of gold. At this time the 3 of us were DJs on Wicked Spins Radio. A month or 2 after Jet’s visit we were given the station and took over in November of that year. We were joined by Carl as a 4th partner and Tom, Jet’s husband became our schedule manager.
Jet, with her enthusiasm and friends in the music scene and around the world, helped to make Wicked Spins Radio a bigger, better and truly alternative station. Jet loved doing her show called “Jet’s Wicked Toy box” and had a loyal following. Sadly Jet had to stop doing her show due to health issues and had always intended on returning to the airwaves. She still remained in the background of Wicked Spins and continued as a partner.
Jet touched the life of everybody she met both in person and via the internet. She was kind, caring and thoughtful. Jet would give you her last dime if she knew you needed it. Jet’s love of music made her many friends and she was always open to trying out new music. Both Snuff and I introduced her to new styles of music from the 70s right through to this year and she always embraced these new discoveries.

Jet Away and The Snuff Monkey at Sonisphere 2001
Tomorrow Tom is holding a celebration of Jet’s life at 7.30pm Pacific time or 2.30am BST. Regretfully we will not be there in person but we will be there in spirit. Jet did not want people to mourn her but to celebrate all that she loved.
The following is from Tom
“As per her wishes, there will be a gathering to celebrate the life of Kathleen “Jet Away” Zeggers. She insisted that this would be a true celebration and not a memorial. I have to agree with her as her very existence was a celebration of life. It will be held on Sunday, September 20th at the Best Western Rivershore Hotel in Oregon City. This is a block south from the initial venue. It will be catered by the facility so don’t worry about the pot luck items. Please tell anyone you know that may not get this invitation as her family and I all would like to see as many of her friends and acquaintances there as would enjoy being there. If you have pictures from any time in her life, those are also welcome. And I would like to invite everyone to feel free to share a story related to her with all those in attendance. We have the banquet room reserved from noon until 4 PM. I would love to see a really great turn out for this. She invested her life into her friends, this is a chance to share back. I hope to see many of you there!
Tom ”
In honour of Jet we at Wicked Spins are organising a collection to donate to an animal charity in Oregon as Jet loved her dogs and would have been happy for donations to be made in her name. If you would like to donate you can do so via my paypal account and I will forward onto Tom who will make the donation in person.
donate to Paypal via
In loving Memory of Kathleen “Jet Away” Zegger Born 22nd October 1960 – Taken from us too soon on 21st July 2015. Rest in Peace beautiful Jet and keep rocking!!
Lot of love from Shaun (Snuff Monkey), Karen (Mrs Monkey) Carl all the Dj’s and the Wicked Spins Family xxxxxxxxxxxx
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