CROWS – Live Review The Lock Tavern

CROWS – Live Review
Date:- 31/10/2017
By Claudia Black
Venue:- The Lock Tavern, Chalk Farm Road, Camden, London.
”The other night I was asked by Shaun, one of the DJ’s at Wicked Spins Radio, if I’d pop along to the Lock Tavern in Camden to check out a band called Crows, he said they are a good band who are on the up and destined for great things so I said I would go, check them out and write this review.I turned up around 7:45 pm where I met a friend and chatted for a while before the support, a band called Krushed Puppies took to the stage. Sounding a bit like L7 or Hole but with weak vocals in want of energy and to be honest a bit ”whiny teenager”. There was a lack of oomph in said vocals and on occasions, it was way out of tune. The drums were too high in the mix and the bass didn’t sound poignant enough in my view!! I was glad when they left the stage, to be honest!!”
”The tables were removed for Crows and I can see why now because within 10 minutes of Krush Puppies leaving the stage the pub was already filling up with the headline!! The vocalist took to the stage in a dress/wig and dressing gown and mainly performed back at the band and not to the audience. Or if not doing that spent a lot of time actually in the audience or standing on the bar. There was a fair bit of crowd surfing too. The set on this Halloween night consisted of only covers from bands of pedigree such as Black Sabbath/The Ramones/The Damned and The Cramps with the last track a cover of the Hives ”Hate to say I told you so” !! A band full of energy that is reciprocated by a crowd that is as raucous as the sound. obnoxiously so on occasions, a total antithesis to other gigs I have been to where everyone just stands around politely or is too scared to let themselves go. I went to a gig last week and everyone in the crowd just stood passively with arms folded apart from one guy who stood in the middle of everyone going absolutely mental!! Tonight there were much more going mental!!”
”Anyway, this was a good covers set, I shall make a date to see them perform their own stuff soon. a good band!!”
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