Lovers – WSR Interview

Lovers Interview for Wicked Spins Radio
WSR – Thank you so much for giving Wicked Spins Radio this interview, can you tell our readers a little bit about yourselves?
Lovers – Sure. I’m Carolyn Berk. Also known as Cubby Berk, also known as a person sitting here at my desk in Portland, Oregon, in jeans and sneakers and a grey hoodie, fending off the blues, answering your questions, and at your service.
WSR – Your new album A Friend In The World you describe as arresting, tender and romantic. Just how have you infused those elements into your music?
Lovers – It’s just an outlet, it’s like something will pierce me to the heart and then all I know how to do with it is make a song. Because sometimes melody helps give language more depth or more expression, and how you sing those words you wrote, how your heart goes all out all the time, and your eyes tear up and you are your own instrument – it’s a frequency I can make some sense of.
WSR – There are quite a few elements within your music embracing all of your femininity and sexuality, why did you decide to craft such tenderness into your music to start off with?
Lovers – I don’t know I think that’s just how I am. I’m interested in emotions. I just love the poetry of life. That’s what I love. They’re not meant to really be directed any which way. They’re just little places to go.
WSR – Carolyn, in 2002 you had a near fatal van explosion whilst on tour. How did this experience effect your music but also you as a person and your outlook on life?
Lovers – I don’t think about it all that much but now that I am thinking about it, I guess it reminds me of the story of the phoenix. So sometimes you literally have to rise from the ashes and just fucking keep going.
WSR – And is there a lesson that you have learnt from the experience of 2002?
Lovers – I’m just older and more in my power now. We got really lucky. It was pretty amazing to have such an insane accident and to emerge from it unscathed.
WSR – You state that there is something very cosmically powerful about choosing love over and over and over again. But do you believe in true love, that one time in life when you find your what some say as being your soul mate?
Lovers – I think for some people that is so.
WSR – A lot of the writing and recording for A Friend in the World was done at your home studio and then the rest was done at Type Foundry, do you find that there is a contrast in the music recorded at your home studio and the music recorded at Type Foundry?
Lovers – Yes well at home, I’m writing in a very preliminary stage. And I’m very at ease – it’s home. The formal studio is for later, when we’ve all lived and worked with the song for a while.
WSR – Your music is wondrous, enchanting and mesmerising being only what can be described as a pleasure to hear. Do you ever plan to tour in the UK so us folks over that big pond that separates us can hear your beautiful music live?
Lovers – Sure, of course we’d love to.
WSR – Now your influences, are there any of your influences that in a way don’t reflect the feel of your music but yet you still consider influences, like a heavy metal band or Darth Vader for instance?
Lovers – I can’t think of anything like that.
WSR – To you what is the one thing that sets A Friend In The World clearly apart from all other Lovers albums?
Lovers – It’s now. It’s the three of us together and it’s our second try at this recording collaboration.
WSR – And what are you most proud of regarding A Friend In The World?
Lovers – That we saw each other enough to make this thing together I guess. I don’t know. That we’re committed to this project and to each other in these certain ways. I put my whole heart into this thing, you know. There’s a lot of trust and love put into it.
WSR – As a person what do you feel is your one biggest strength and also what is your greatest weakness?
Lovers – I don’t know because I’ve never been me right now before.
WSR – Thank you so much for giving Wicked Spins Radio this interview, is there anything you would like to add?
Lovers – Thank you!
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