Venue:- The Kentish Town Forum, London, UK
Date:- 20/8/2016

© Claudia Black at Wicked Spins Radio
”I didn’t know if i’d make this show! I sent numerous emails to different agencies requesting photo passes and not one had the decency to email back with a positive or negative response, which i find is disgraceful!! Not knowing if i had got a pass or not i decided to go to the show anyway, with my not so good back up camera, i was not expecting a pass to be waiting for me, and a massive hangover from the night before. When i arrive at the venue
the security assumed that i was press and ushered me inside the venue to get my pass, which was a good start!! I tell the girl behind the glass who i was working for and she looks through a long list, my name is not on it!! Another girl looks through the list again and again my name is not there! Finally she radios for advice and then picks up a clip board, what’s underneath? A photopass!! Brilliant i thought! Why can’t these people email confirmation, emailing is so easy and it takes no more than 30 seconds to send one, i know i’ve done it!!”
”Anyway, on to the show! Ministry had just taken to the stage when i arrived, i could hear the loud raptures of the crowd as the trademark abrasiveness commenced! I fought my way through the dense crowd to the front, entered the photo pit and took 31 photos with my shit camera for 3 songs! One photo i did not get was when the bassist flipped me the bird, the camera conked out temporarily! The band were up for a great show and so were the crowd, there was plenty of energy directed at the stage, lots of air

© Claudia Black at Wicked Spins Radio
punches and horn gestures! I’m not au fait with all Ministry’s out put but i remember NWO, Just One Fix, Stigmata and as an encore Psalm 69. Most of the tracks got my foot stomping and my head banging especially the aforementioned tracks!! There was a great energy in the venue and it was packed to the rafters. Thoroughly good show and i’m glad i went!!”
1:- Hail to His Majesty (Peasants)
2:- Punch in the Face
3:- PermaWar
4:- Rio Grande Blood
5:- Señor Peligro
6:- LiesLiesLies
7:- Waiting
8:- N.W.O.
9:- Just One Fix
10:- The Missing
11:- Deity
12:- Stigmata
Encore 1:-
14:- Psalm 69
15:- So What
16:- Khyber Pass
Encore 2:-
17:- Gates of Steel
(DEVO cover)
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