Wicked Spins Radio – ROB ZOMBIE LIVE – The Kentish Town Forum, London 17 Oct 2016

ROB ZOMBIE LIVE – The Kentish Town Forum, London 17 Oct 2016
Reviewed by :- Claudia Black
First off, I was bloody disappointed that I did not get a photopass!! But the person who was giving them out went to hospital so obviously they had more important things to be attending to. I did however get in due to an amenable security guy ushering me in the back way and letting me blend into the crowd in an urgent manner!! The place was packed so I decided to stand near the bar stage right so I could leave my bags on the end of the bar!! I was surrounded all manner of people waiting for the action to start, Rob Zombie clones, tattooed rock chicks, spaced out dread heads and a clown!! The only place where clowns can’t be arrested at the moment, at a Rob Zombie gig!! So, I settled in, bought a plastic stein of Carlsberg and readied myself!! With bright streaking lights and through a wail of screams, yelps and cheers Rob and band populate the stage and dive straight in to ”Last Of The Demons Defeated” from ”The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser” album. I had not listened to this new album so all the tracks played were unfamiliar!! I did recognise ”Superbeast” , ”Dragula”, ”Living Dead Girl”, ”More Human Than Human” and ”Thunderkiss 65” Personally ”More Human Than Human” was laboured vocally, there was no stamina for the rap I felt, I didn’t feel satiated by it so I didn’t enjoy it that much but The cover Of The Ramones ”Blitzkrieg Bop” and Alice Coopers ”Schools Out” were brilliant, the mix was right and the vocals paced like one wave following another!! There was an allusion to the US election ”But no one is talking about Alien Abduction!!” Rob says, the crowd cheers and then straight in to ”Well, everyone’s fucking in a UFO”, another track from the new album. These tracks don’t seem as strong as those from other efforts, Hopefully they’ll grow on me. Another great track on the night was ”Ging Gang Gong De Do Gong De Laga Raga” from ”Venomous Rat Degeneration Vendor” Try singing that after a plastic stein of lager!! I did, I couldn’t lol!!
This show was a stripped down show with none of the costumes worn at earlier events, just corpse paint, tee shirts and flairs, a few plastic aliens to lob into the crowd and some beach balls!! The lights were bloody bright though, shutter speeds of 1/300 or above would have stopped the action nicely, I tried to get some from where I was standing near the bar, not bad but not good either as you can see!! The rest of the photos are from my phone which are equally rubbish!! But the event was recorded which is the main thing.
Anyway, to sum up, 1.5 hours of entertainment, some J5 riffing, plastic aliens and 2 encores, a good night!! I wasn’t keen on the t shirts though, not the price (£25) , if plain black cotton of a lighter gauge with just a small RZ embroidered logo was available I would definitely have bought one, that’s just me!!”
All in all a good show!!
1:- The last of the Demons Defeated
2:-Dead City Radio and the New Gods of Supertown
3:- Superbeast
4:- In the age of the Consecrated Vampire we all get High
5:- Demonoid Phenomenon
6:- Wild Thing
7:- Living Dead Girl
8:- Scum Of the Earth
9:- Well, everybody’s Fucking in a UFO
10:- More Human Than Human
11:- Never Gonna Stop
12:- The Hideous Exhibitions of a Dedicated Gore Whore
13:- House Of a Thousand Corpses
14:- John 5 guitar solos
15:- Thunderkiss 65
16:- Schools Out
17:- Blitzkrieg Bop
18:- Thunderkiss 65 reprise
Encore 1
19:- Lords Of Salem
20:- Get your Boots on, That’s the end of Rock and Roll
Encore 2
21:- Dragula
22:- Meet The Creeper
23:- Ging Gang Gong De Do Gong De Raga Laga
24:- Sick Bubblegum
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