WSR Content Writers Wanted

Content Writers Wanted
Do you have a passion for music?
Do you have broad musical knowledge?
Do you enjoy writing?
Wicked Spins Radio are looking for volunteer content writers for are features, writing reviews for albums and gigs interviewing bands and artists or articles on current sub-culture music scenes.
We are a non-profit self funded radio station so we are unable to offer any fees for your time but what we can offer in return is free entry to any of our live events, we will send you digital promo EP’s / Albums to review (you will also be welcome to review your own favourite artist albums and EPs) and of course you will become a member of our ever-growing family of music lovers.
If you are interested then get in touch today and send some examples of any past written articles you may have written it doesn’t matter if you have been published or not as long as you show good grammar, a broad knowledge and a passion for music and sub-cultures.
Email contact details and samples to
Wicked Spins Radio Content Writer’s
WSR Features Editor – Phlis Bruce
WSR Station Manager – Shaun Histed-Todd