XP8 Interview



Adrenochrome is the latest release from the legendary XP8, but this album is a lot more than just music.  There is a story behind it too and as you read the accompany story the music follows in sync.  The album is an experience rather than anything else.  Wicked Spins Radio got chance to catch up with Marko from XP8 and here is how it went.


Phlis – Thank you so much for giving Wicked Spins Radio this interview, can you tell our readers a little bit about yourselves?rsz_xp8_022


MARKO: XP8 officially started in 2001, back then it was three of us, with Paul on vocal duties. We got the ball rolling with a couple of self releases and then got the attention of Infacted Recordings with our second full length, Hrs:Min:Sec.

With this album and the exposure that followed, we got to play round Europe quite a bit and that sort of caused the 2007 split, when Paul left the band and I stepped up to the mic, so to speak.

Since then we went on as a duo, producing The Art of Revenge, Drop The Mask, X: A Decade of Decadence and just recently Adrenochrome, our latest album.


Phlis – June sees the release of Adrenochrome, it’s a concept album.  For those who don’t know about the concept can you describe it for our readers?


MARKO: Adrenochrome, the album, is based around a novel that I wrote back in the 90’s of the same title. We decided to use its 11 chapters as inspiration and to provide the lyrical content for the 11 songs that constitute the album, as well as setting the tone for the soundscapes that we created to link the songs.


Phlis – Why did you decide to produce music to go along with the novel you wrote?


MARKO: I don’t recall exactly how that came along, but it must have to do with the fact that the story takes place in a future post 3rd dip recession London, and we thought it was fitting since both Marco and I are now living in this city. Basically as soon as the first draft of idea came along, we found so many angles in which we could use the story to create an environment for the production AND promotion of the album that it was too good to let go.


Phlis – This may be the last XP8 album, what are the reasons why this may be the last?


MARKO: This is absolutely NOT the case! Hell, only just yesterday we were sketching out ideas and inspirations for what we are going to do next…

I think a little confusion sprung out of our announcement that for XP8 long tours are no longer an option, due to my day job. This is indeed a great handicap for the development of the band, but we’re definitely not stopping making albums any time soon!


Phlis – In this day and age being a musician is very hard and very few musicians can survive on their music alone.  So how have you survived for so long?


MARKO: As I said, we “survived” having day jobs and doing DJ gigs to go along the music career. Marco is slightly luckier with his job, so has a lot more freedom time-wise, so he has been able in the years to join other bands live, people like VNV Nation, Grendel, Unter Null and Faderhead.


Phlis – Do you know of any musicians on the alternative scene that have been able to survive on their music alone?


MARKO: err, yeah, loads… but for several reasons (both artistic and promotional) our sales have never been enough to enable us to pursue XP8 full time.


Phlis – To me Adrenochrome is a work of art with all that is contained with it, it has very much of the air of one of the great works like War Of The Worlds in its sheer awesomeness.  What has been the best thing anyone has said about Adrenochrome so far?


MARCO: I guess what you have just said!

To be fair all reviews to far have been overwhelmingly positive. Everybody seems to appreciate the effort, AND the result, of connecting these two pieces of work together. It was a daring experiment for us, but a very successful one apparently.


Phlis – Is there anything on Adrenochrome that you wish you could have reworked?


MARKO: Oh, obviously! Every time I listen to it I spot bits and pieces I would mix differently today, different sounds, different singing… you know, the lot! But that’s kind of normal for me.

Also, had we started the Indiegogo campaign earlier we would have been able to plan the release differently, with physical and digital sides hitting the scene at the same time and stuff like that, but hey, we’re a 100% indie band and planning IS complicated…


Phlis – You have done a few festivals recently, have you any amusing tales from your recent or past tours?


MARKO: I’d say that most of the “amusement” is, and should remain, private. One thing I’m keen to share is the madness involving our participation to the upcoming Terminus Festival in Calgary, Canada: basically because of my job I will fly for 9 hours from London to Calgary on Saturday 29th, the day of the actual show, only to fly back on Sunday 30th, landing in London 15 hours later, on a Monday morning, ready for work… People of Calgary, please bear this in mind when I will refuse to take part in any after partying…


Phlis – Next year sees you playing Altfest in the UK, this is truly a huge festival with some amazing bands playing (Over 150).  How does it feel to be invited to play such a great festival and what band are you looking forward to seeing play at Altfest?


MARKO: To be honest I have already seen pretty much all the bands in the bill, but what I am really looking forward in the case of Alt Fest is the actual event, you know, the people, the vibe… having so many bands, in such a big truly alternative event in the UK is amazing.


Phlis – Thank you so much for giving Wicked Spins this interview, is there anything you would like to add?


XP8: Thank you Phils for having us and for allowing us to share some XP8ing with your community.





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